Original OC Swap Meet Returns All Weekend This Week

photo of flowers on bucket

April 21st 2022: The popular Original OC Swap Meet returns this week for a whole weekend Saturday and, Sunday instead of just one day. The swap meet will take place this weekend on Saturday April 23rd and Sunday April 24th from 9 am to 3 pm.

Having the swap meet on Saturday and Sunday this month should be good for people that previously weren’t able to attend the Saturday only swap meets.

The Original OC Swap Meet is smaller than pre COVID but its still a good size with many unique vendors so its worth checking out. Food is also available for purchase also stay hydrated as the sun reflecting off the tarmac can be strong on a hot day.

Web Hosting Costa Mesa Insider.com Uses:


Free but there is a $10 parking charge paid by credit card only


OC Fair & Event Center: Lot D

88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

More Information:

 Phone: (949) 302-0355Opens in a new tab.Opens in a new tab.


Email: ogocswapmeet.com

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