September 14th 2024: Speedway action continues this Saturday night at the Costa Mesa Speedway ; The nights event is the second Knobby Night this season at the fairgrounds. if you are not familiar with it is motorcycles racing on a tight oval dirt track while people on the stadium watch on. The races are fast paced and, because of the tight track crashes as well as spills are not uncommon.
I grew up in England where speedway is more common, but for an amazing 54 years the races in Costa Mesa have drawn speedway fans to the OC Fair & Event Center.
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Saturday September 14th: Gates open at 6:00 pm with the first race at 7:30 pm
OC Fair and Event Center in the Action Sports Arena
$30 for general admission or $20 for Juniors aged 13-17 or Seniors 65 or older, Active military and fire. Kids 3 to $12 are $10 and, 2 and younger are free.
Parking is the usual $12 for most events at the fairgrounds for cars as well as motorcycles.
More Information:
Visit the Costa Mesa Speedway website
88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa CA 92626
Phone: (714) 708-1500 Email: ocfinfo@ocfair.com
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